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Himeji Castle

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I've been cleaning, unpacking, sorting, and arranging for about two days now, and I'm slowly making some progress. It's both amazing how much and how little I have, and all the steps required to get everything looking ship shape. I really have a lot of books. I keep finding forgotten boxes with Work books or Fiction - Box 3 of 5 scrawled on the side of them, and wondering where I'm going to fit them. I have a couple of cheap bookshelves, but they can't be placed until my bigass table is set up, and that can't move until Rafe's desk is moved... you get the idea. I'd make an impressive Gantt chart of it all, but then I'd have to shoot myself for being a complete tosser.

I'm also becoming well-acquainted with Rafe's cat, who is a bit demanding but generally very cute. When I arrived, I asked him what her name was, and he told me he didn't know. This was a bit strange, but he'd inherited her from someone else in some odd circumstances so he never named her in the first place. We decided to call her Hobbit, because she's fairly tubby and complains a lot, but generally she's a decent sort. She's the most chatty cat I've ever met, miaowing when you pat her, when you feed her, when you sit down and most of the times you walk past where she is. She even goes off on little tirades now and again, with a long stream of chirping miaows that surely mean something really important. When we chuckle and look perplexed, she regards us with chilly annoyance.

I start work on Monday, and they've given me a rather swanky laptop for my time there - the Dell Precision M90 mobile workstation. This is easily the most powerful laptop I've ever had access to, and completely obliterates my current P3 Tosh. Seriously, the thing is a space station. I'm not exactly sure about shifting all my personal stuff over to it though, as someone might send me a hilariously gross email one weekend and get me fired. I might look into an external Firewire / USB drive that I could use when I'm at home, so I can keep my goat porn to myself.